Herbs For Natural Oral Care

Ayurvedic Natural Oral Care For Healthy Teeth And Gums

July 28, 2024

Medically reviewed by Dr. Viswa Tejeshwar Rao

By Dr. Vishwatejarao

Since ancient times, Mother Nature has provided the healing power to care for your body and mind. For thousands of years, Ayurveda has been advocating and providing a wide range of natural remedies to effectively cure tooth decay, prevent tooth cavities, relieve toothaches, reduce the formation of plaque, and treat receding gums.

This article is written to empower you to care more for your own teeth and gums, and as a result, have a healthier mouth with fewer dental problems.

Natural Oral Care Protocol

The first thing in the morning, scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper or the back of a spoon to remove any mucus especially on the back of the tongue. The tongue should be pink and clean.

3 Steps To Follow After Each Meal

1. Brush Your Teeth

Very gently brush your teeth and gums with a simple tooth powder made of turmeric powder with cinnamon powder and a little neem powder. You can just use turmeric, but add other substances depending on the condition of your teeth and gums.

Salt can also be used or added in small amounts. Sea salt in itself is very effective way in cleaning your teeth if you don’t have any other choices. Charcoal, on the other hand, works very well in times of infection even for a toothache.

If you are not ready to make your own tooth powder, I recommend these brands: Auromere and Theraneem.  (Of course, don’t use any commercial brands especially with fluoride and don’t use baking soda as it is too harsh).

2. Gargle With A Disinfecting Formula (Make It Yourself!)

After brushing, rinse the mouth thoroughly and gargle with a disinfecting formula such as filtered mineral water with 1 tsp. of Himalayan salt, a pinch of baking soda (aluminum-free), about 10 drops of tea tree oil and 3 drops of clove oil (optional).

3. End It With Oil Pulling

After brushing and rinsing, do oil pulling by taking about 2-3 tsp. of sesame oil (not coconut oil) in your mouth and “pull and push” the oil between the teeth for about 2 minutes before spitting out the oil. You can massage your gums too, if necessary.

Then, in between meals, clean your teeth and massage your gums with a wooden tooth stick (Miswak stick). Carefully scrape away any buildup of bacteria, food or plaque around the gum line both on the inside and outside of the teeth.

Why this works so well?

  • Cinnamon and neem are very good for the gums.
  • The sea salt is also good for the gums and cleanses the teeth well.
  • Flossing and using a toothpick is essential since most decay and cavities happen between the teeth and at the gumline.
  • The rinse with the baking soda will alkalize the mouth to prevent bacterial growth while the tea tree oil and clove oil will prevent any infections and cavities.
  • Oil pulling using coconut oil, instead of sesame seed oil, will further fight infections in cases of cavities, gum disease or tooth decay.
  • Scraping or cleaning the tongue daily, especially before bedtime and again in the morning, removes any buildup of bacteria and mucus which will improve oral health and keep bad breath away.

If you continue with this process, particularly the rinse with tea tree oil and clove oil throughout the day, it will reduce the pain and avoid infections, avoiding the need for a filling (in most cases). However, diligent cleansing of the decayed area off food after each meal and rinsing with salt formula helps avoid infection in case of a cavity.

If you have an infection and notice inflammation and pain, put a very small amount of clove oil directly on the infected area. You can even add clove oil to salt solution to numb the nerves and cure abscesses.

Additionally, if you have an infection then you should take garlic oil and/or oregano oil internally daily until the infection recedes. These extra measures must be done for at least a month in the case of a serious infection or an abscess.

This is my own personal method which I have done to avoid having my teeth drilled, filled and removed. I am not a qualified or trained dentist, so you must make your own decisions, but this procedure based on Ayurveda has worked for me. Of course, your diet has a large impact on the condition of your teeth and gums but that is another story.

Additional Ways To Strengthen And Care For Your Teeth And Gums

  1. Use herbs that are high in minerals such as alpha, oat straw, marshmallow root and others strengthen the teeth and bones.
  2. In addition, consuming raw dairy products and taking cod liver oil regularly will prevent bone loss and help support strong cavity-resistant teeth.
  3. For more than 1,000 years, the world has used the Arab chewing sticks (Miswak) as an oral hygiene aid. Miswak contains a large portion of gall, an anti-mildew substance and an antiseptic astringent that stops bleeding of gum and strengthens it.  It has natural minerals that kill microbes and germs, removes plaque and prevents tooth decay. I bet your toothbrush cannot do that! The Miswak stick is a gift from nature for our teach since it heals the gums and cleanse the teeth without toothpaste. I use one daily, especially when I drive my car.

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